Monday, March 21, 2011


It occurs to me that I may be a bit fickle.

I have no defense.

Blogging my journey to weight loss and fitness has been very helpful to me.  I started out on Tumblr and at the time, it was just what I needed. However I have found myself less and less involved in the community there for many reason which I won't go into right now.  And so, I find myself here.

I'm feeling the need to 'go it alone', if that even makes any sense.  I did really great in the beginning. 20 pounds gone kind of great.  And then, somehow I lost my way.  Yes, life was thrown at me pretty hard, but their was more to it.

It doesn't matter really.

I have re-evaluated, set a new plan, dug down deep and pulled the motivation back to the top.

Today  was a new day.

Today, I re-committed to myself.

And today was good.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to hear more from you. I had a hard time getting tumbler.

    I LOVE your new blog title! It's perfect.
