Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I'm a lucky girl

Recently I received a very kind note and gift from an unidentified friend.  They said some very kind and motivation things, made me cry and realize how blessed I am. Whoever you are {and I have a few guesses}, Thank You just does not express what I feel for you, but it's all I have to give. My Thanks and my commitment to keep going on this weight loss journey.  

I have definitely been discouraged lately.  I've been trying to dig down deep and find that drive that I had in the fall and it's a little embarrassing to admit but the thought of 'Why? Know one has even noticed anyway' has crossed my mind several  times.  It shouldn't matter right? This is for me, my health, my body image. But it sure helps to know that someone has been inspired to start taking care of themselves too. It helps to have people tell you they see a difference, however small it may be.  I don't expect people to fawn over me or tell me I look fantastic because I'm not even close and it would make me uncomfortable anyway. It's the little encouraging comments on my blog or in real life that keep me remembering that it's worth it.

So whoever you are, you are an Angel, an answer to prayers and I am truly blessed to have you in my life!

I am a Lucky Girl!

1 comment:

  1. You inspire me and I need to be inspired!
    What a thoughtful friend you have.
