Thursday, October 27, 2011

Feeling Lost Right Now

I'm at my 1 year anniversary of my official journey to lose weight and get healthy and I'v been feeling so lost.  

I lost 18 pounds last Oct-Dec 2010 and then I focused on training for a RAGNAR race and maintained the weight loss.  The problem is, I gave myself permission to 'get lazy' over the summer.
 I thought it would be so easy to just jump right back in when the kids got back in school.  I did not realize it would feel like starting all over again.  I just can't seem to find my will power.  
Now I'm starting to freak out a bit because I have gained about 5 lbs since September and I Can NOT let this continue. 
I leave for Maui, Hawaii in one week and when I get back I plan to put it all out there again and start working hard.  I made a goal for myself last year to run a Half Marathon in 2012 and I will not let that goal go.  In fact I have to sign up while in Hawaii and my sister is doing it to, so that will help.  
My new goal weight will be 160.  I get excited just thinking about it!  I would love anyones support and advice!  Now I'm off to make a game plan so I can stick to it! 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

New purpose?

I've been thinking about using this blog for more than just weight loss and fitness.  Sometimes I just have things on my mind that I want to write out and need a place to do it. A personal blog if you will, that doesn't really belong on our family blog. Not that I ever put anything over there anyway. :)

Barry and I have been working on our relationship...don't freak out...we've had a stressful few years and it was starting to affect us.  Neither of us liked the way we were acting and we've just decided to be proactive about it.   Anyway, all this 'Project: Happily Ever After" stuff (that's what I'm calling it) got me thinking about goal setting and planning and now I have this huge 2012 Goals list.

2012 Goals list has me a little intimidated but there was nothing I wanted to remove so now I'm working on breaking things down into monthly goals and sometimes weekly goals.  Yeah, I'm totally OCD like that.  Did I mention I have fitness training schedules for the whole next year and excel spreadsheets for household chores, tracking my weight, calorie counting, the families daily/weekly schedule etc, etc, etc.  I'm a little obsessive like that.  No, really it just helps me sort, process and organize my brain when I'm feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes I only come back to these spreadsheets once a year.

So my point was......I may start sharing other things going on in my life on this blog. Spiritual Goals, Fitness Goals, Marriage tips that work for us, Books I'm reading, School stuff and anything else that's going on with me.  And maybe while I'm at it I'll actually update some photo's of the family over on my other blog.  But don't hold your breath. :)

Here's is this month Goals and Fitness Calendar should that interest you.  I love when other people share this type of stuff, it's a little glimpse into there lives and I may have a innocent tendency to be voyeuristic, but my grandma always told me it was just people watching. ;)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Just Popping in to Say

I Ran Today!

and it sucked!

I knew it would. Hello? Haven't run since July!

How did that happen?

Funny thing is, as much as it sucked, if I forced myself to remember what that would have felt like 1 year ago than today's run was easy in comparison.

Which blows me away.

2.1 miles done, with lots of walking brakes but no stopping and no whining.